8.14.2015 Special Holiday Declared in South Korea

8.14.2015 Special Holiday Declared in South Korea

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As you may all know already, this year South Korea celebrates the 70th National Liberation Day (in Korean, 광복절) on Saturday, August 15th 2015.  But it falls on weekend that Korean government decided to declare friday, August 14th, 2015 as one time special holiday (in Korean, 임시공휴일) to observe a day inlieu as well as to boost the economy. There are mixed reactions to this declaration, but the majority of Korean citizens is welcoming an extra day-off. The government expects about 1.3 million won economic effects from the extended holiday period. Government offices and financial markets including foreign exchange, derivatives and equities will be closed for the day.


The above youtube clip is sung by the Korean indie music band, No-brain, in celebration of the 70th National Liberation Day - Title: Dae Han Min Gook Man Seh! (In Korean, 대한민국만세! or Hurrah Korea!).

 I hope this article helps your Korean study. Please feel free to leave a comment in below if you have any further questions. Also check out our Twitter for the latest news on Korea.


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