ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Information
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ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) (Image taken from's website)
An Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) is a 20-30 minute face-to-face or telephonic interview with a certified tester from the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) to assess one’s oral proficiency in a certain language. After taking an OPI, the tester will rank one's oral ability in one of four categories: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Superior. Furthermore, these levels are divided up into three ranks: Low, Mid, and High, which further assist in accurately determining one's oral ability in a language.
ACTFL offers OPIs in many languages, such as Cantonese, English, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, and Thai, all of which are taught at Hills Learning.
In Korean and Mandarin, it is also possible to take an OPIc, which is an OPI held over the Internet. OPIcs involve recording 15-30 minutes of speech based on individualized prompts, and sending the recording to ACTFL for an evaluation.
To find more general information about OPIs, please click here.
Furthermore, to find more specified information about OPIs, such as pricing, or to sign up for an OPI, please contact the following:
LTI 445 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 1104 White Plains, NY 10601
Tel: (914) 963-7110x310
Fax: (914) 963-7113
(ACTFL OPI image taken from