What is the difference between Miru and Mirareru? 日本語の文法

What is the difference between Miru and Mirareru? 日本語の文法

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A lot of students at Hills Learning that are learning Japanese have questions on grammar. I found this question in particular to be of significance, and felt that it had been repeated quite a few times. So I decided to write an article on it!

What is the difference " miru" and "mirareru"?

「見る」 と 「見られる」

見る? 見られる?

For Japanese learners,  it is sometime confusing to differentiate 「見る」and 「見られる」.

Here is the tip;



○ 見ます 

× 見ません


見えます be seen, be visible 例:最近、小さい字がよく見えません。

(potential form) ○ 

見られます 例:外国でも日本のテレビが見られます。パソコンでDVDが見られます。

× 見られません 例:お金を払わないと映画は見られません。

NOTE: 見える/見られる

見えるis different from 見られる, the regular potential form of 見る. 見える"means something or someone is spontaneously visible"

見られる, on the other hand, means that the subject of the sentence can see something or someone actively rather than passively.


I can see the ocean from the window of the room.


Where can I see that movie?

I hope this clarifies a bit the difference between the two grammar patterns. Please don't hesitate to ask any further questions.


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