JLPT Info for NYC

JLPT Info for NYC

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Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)

The JLPT is a Japanese proficiency examination operated by the Japan Foundation LA that tests one’s listening skills, reading comprehension, and knowledge of vocabulary, kanji, and grammar. There are five tests available, ranging from N5 (the easiest) to N1 (the most difficult). The JLPT, however, does not assess a person’s speech or writing, and for testing in those areas, we recommend taking an ACTFL OPI in Japanese. For more information regarding ACTFL OPIs, please click here.

The JLPT is held once a year in the United States, always on the first Sunday in December, from approximately noon to 4:00 or 5:00 PM. In 2015, the JLPT will be offered on Sunday, December 6th.

In order to register for the JLPT, please use this tutorial: A tutorial detailing how to register for the JLPT can be found here. Online registration begins on Monday, August 24th, at 9:00 AM, and ends on Friday, September 25th, at 9:00 PM (all Eastern time). The price for registration is $60.

In New York City, the JLPT is held at CUNY — Lehman College, which is located at 250 Bedford Park Blvd W, Bronx, NY 10468.

For further information regarding the JLPT, please click here.


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