Korea Has An End of the Year Celebration? Yes!

Korea Has An End of the Year Celebration? Yes!

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Hello everyone.

As 2016 is approaching its end, every corner of New York City is filled with holiday spirit. Korea is not an exception! Around this time of the year, many Koreans are eager to get together to celebrate the year-end and to welcome a new year with fresh energy and new resolutions. Streets are busier, restaurants and bars are packed with crowds who wish to enjoy the holiday season. In this article, I would like to introduce two words: 망년회 & 송년회 that indicate a Korean year-end party. Please pay attention to a subtle difference between the words.  

망년회 (pronounced as mang-yeon-hae): is a a-year-end party held among Koreans to let things go. If anyone around you or an organization you belong to underwent hardship during the year, 망년회 is a more suitable word to indicate a year-end party. The meaning of the word is to forgo all the sufferings and bad memories that took place as the year approaches its end. You can expect that attendees of 망년 회 will talk out their bad experiences over endless alcohol.  

송년회 (pronounced as song-yeon-hae): is a year-end party held among Koreans to celebrate an ending of the current year and to enjoy a festive season. 송년회 can take place anytime in December with anyone you desire to spend time with, but the most meaningful day is New Year’s Eve. At this time of the year, many work places are busy preparing year-end parties and attendees are excited to be a part of the celebratory gathering over festive food, alcohol and Karaoke hopping.  

I hope this article helps your studies. Please feel free to leave a comment if you have any further questions and follow our Twitter for the latest news on Korea.


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