How to say "I don't know you, you don't know me" in Korean

How to say "I don't know you, you don't know me" in Korean

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When learning how to say I know you, you know me, you don't know me in Korean, there are subtle nuances that need to be addressed. Here are the most common ways of stating these phrases, and some explanation of when they are used / not used.

I don't know you. - 나는 너를 모른다. 나는 당신을 모른다.

You don't know me. - 너는 나를 모른다. 당신은 나를 모른다.

I don't know you and you don't know me. - 나는 너를 모르고 너는 나를 모른다.

나는 당신을 모르고 당신은 나를 모른다.  


**  너-'you' between close relationships,

당신-'you' between married couples or

when used for general use

나-neutral expression of 'I'

저-humble expression of 'I'


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