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Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK)
TOPIK is a written test that examines one’s aptitude in Korean. TOPIK does not cover oral proficiency but rather focuses on vocabulary, grammar, writing, listening, and reading. There are three TOPIK levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Furthermore, a grade system (1st through 6th grade, 6th being the highest) is given depending on your score. Since TOPIK does not test one's oral ability, we recommend taking an ACTFL OPI in Korean in order to determine proficiency in speech. For more information regarding ACTFL OPIs, please click here.
In 2015, the 43rd TOPIK exam will be offered in the United States on Sunday, November 15th, and will last from 9:00 AM-12:30 PM for those taking the beginner or advanced tests, and from 2:00 PM - 5:30 PM for people taking the intermediate assessment. The price to take the exam is $20.
For further information regarding how to apply, please contact the Korean Education Center in New York or click here. The Korean Education Center in New York's contact information is as follows:
Phone Number: 646.674.6051/6047
Fax: 646.674.6055